

Welcome to This Barnes Life. We love to travel and explore this wonderful planet with our kids! We hope you find inspiration for your next travel destination :)

Disneyland, Japan

Disneyland, Japan

A few days where you can be a giant kid, and no one judges you!!


Ahhhh…. Disneyland… I need to start planning another trip. I want to go back to Disneyland probably just as much as my girls do! Not only is it fun going on the rides and seeing all the cool little worlds they have created but it’s a day where pure joy is bursting out of your kids. Seeing them with that much excitement and in total bliss always makes me happy.


Tips for Disneyland and Disneysea

ok, …Bella freaked out on the Pinocchio ride and cried massive tears, but they were pretty short lived.

I don’t recommend that ride for little ones. I thought it was pretty creepy. Have a look on youtube, you’ll see what i mean!

But! She loved the Nemo ride, Monsters Inc ride, and the Mermaid Lagoon in Disneysea was her favourite. It’s a huge indoor area with rides tailored for smaller kids! Zoey and her had a blast running around and exploring that little area!

At the end of the night usually around 7:30pm Disneyland has the night parade which is awesome and totally worth staying there for!

For a 2 day pass it’s $185 for adults. Kids aged 12-17 is $163 and a child aged 4-11 is $120

Or you could always do hotel and ticket packages which make it cheaper!

On some rides they offer the FASTPASS system, which is each member of your party inserts their park ticket in the FASTPASS kiosk, you’ll get a reminder ticket with a return time so that you can go play in the park instead of waiting in line. Go back during your return time, scan your park ticket, and hop on the attraction with little or no waiting.

We found the fast pass ended around lunch time! But we went in Winter so the lines weren’t crazy long! approx 20-30mins was the longest wait time.

If you want to ride as a single person there’s no line! Jackie and i loved the Indiana Jones ride! and we both went on solo, while the other watched the girls!

The Disney hotels have the themed rooms which look fun! We decided to save some money and stay in another hotel. It’s so easy to jump on the monorail and it takes you straight to the park everyday.

Tokyo Disneyland is about 40mins from Tokyo city. You can hop on a bus or a train.

Winnie, Sunshine Coast

Winnie, Sunshine Coast

Southern Highlands, NSW

Southern Highlands, NSW